Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Getting started!

Hi there!

I have to be honest and admit that this is actually the third time that I deleted all my previous posts because I felt like I needed a fresh start. My name is Eva, I am from Greece and I will be 21 years old in 21 days. I have been blogging for the last 2 years in my cooking blog. It is in Greek and if you want to check it out you can. The last couple of weeks I don't really have inspiration for new recipes. There is a main thing that has been going on around my head and that is my weight. I have been watching motivational videos, diets, transformations, etc and I have been thinking that it is time to finally become healthier and loose all the extra weight that I have been carrying around almost my whole life.
I have been overweight as long as I can remember, but the last couple of years the situation is out of control. I am 40 kg overweight and that is really bad for my health since I don't get my period any more and that worries me. I wouldn't be honest if I said that I want to loose weight just for my health. I want to be able to do more stuff, to wear the clothes that I always wanted and to have all the experiences that I am missing out on. I don't feel comfortable with the way I look and I want to change that but saying it is far easier than actually succeeding it and we are not talking about one or two kilograms, like I hear my mother complain about. It's more than that. It's 40 kg. It sounds intimidating, but I think that I can possibly do it. It won't happen in a day or two it will take time and effort and the change has to be permanent. I need to adapt to a new lifestyle. A healthier one.
So, that's what this blog is going to be about. I want to begin my happiness project. I want to improve in every way possible. it's not just going to be about weight loss, it's going to be about everything that makes me happier. I want to talk about the things that make me happy. Little things from watching my plants grow bigger and stronger every single day to trying new things and experiencing everything that life has to offer. I feel very optimistic the last week. I have gone through a rough time a few years ago and I am still struggling with keeping dark thoughts out of my head. I just don't feel like I need them. Yes, there will be times that I will be a little bit sad or stressed out but when I am happy I feel complete in a way that I cannot really explain. I just feel more like myself.
Tomorrow I will write my first post about weight loss discussing all my plans and ideas. I'll have to wish you good night for now and sweet dreams!

Mouah! :)


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